Seventy Two: July 8, 2015

Wait, this isn’t ice cream…

If you read my previous blog post then you know I am trying to be healthy. It’s going okay. I have a lot of cravings at night, so it basically ruins all my good efforts throughout the day. I just want to eat ice cream and goldfish all night long. But I digress. I wanted to show you guys a super yummy smoothie that doesn’t have any weird ingredients and obscure ingredients in it, and is great if you are just getting into smoothies. Give it a go. Let me know if you like it, or any other smoothie ideas that you have. Remember to like, follow and comment.

I used 8 ice cubes.

First thing you need is ice. Ice helps to thicken the smoothie. You can also always freeze your fruit ahead of time if you do not have ice cubes. Put this closest to the blade so it can be chopped up.

1/2 cup of almond milk= 30 calories

Then you need a liquid. I used almond milk but you could always use a juice or coconut water. Or if you even wanted some greek yogurt. If you feel the strong desire to use milk then use skim.

1 banana= 80-100 calories
5 strawberries= around 20 calories

Next add your fruit. I used bananas and strawberries. But ultimately this is where you throw in whatever you want.

2 tbsp= 45 calories


Finally, I put in some pb2. It is so yummy it is powdered peanut butter. It is really good for you and this is a chocolate one.  And then we blend.

IMG_5035 IMG_5037

And that is it, super easy and yummy. All in all the smoothie is about 180-195 calories depending on the size of your fruit. If you are using this for a meal, you need to eat something else. This is not enough calories for a meal. So I would suggest egg whites, small piece of multigrain toast with a little butter, small bowl of oatmeal. But as a snack this is fine. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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