Seventy Nine: July 30, 2015

Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you a quick update as to where I have been and what is going on. I was away in the Bahamas with my family for the past week, which is one of my most favorite places in the world. The water is so beautiful but this time of year it is very hot and humid so you are just sweating all the time. It is also sort of stressful because I leave in 3 days to go to Savannah for two weeks. I will be studying music there I am so excited. I have never been to Savannah but it is supposed to be a beautiful city and it’ll be good to see some friends. I will try to post something tomorrow and Friday. I hope you all are doing well and if you are in this heat stroke you stay cool. Also, make sure to check out my Instagram to keep up with what I am doing daily!

Seventy Eight: July 21, 2015

I was nominated by the wonderful Life of Liss for The Beauty Blogger Award. Thank you so much for the nomination! You should definitely go check her blog out she has a lot of great posts!


The Rules
✓ State the name of the blogger that nominated you.
✓ Answer the questions you were given.
✓ Nominate 10 people whose blog is about beauty or fashion.
✓ Make 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
✓ Let the bloggers know that you nominated them.

My Questions

  1. Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because it is something I always wanted to do and thought it would be fun to give it a shot.
  2. What is your favorite blog topic? My favorite topic is beauty because I like to show fun make up looks. But I also love a good rant.
  3. Do you have a favourite beauty product and what is it? My favorite beauty product is the Kat Von D Tattoo Lock it Concealer. It gives great coverage and it is thick but not too thick.
  4. What would your call your style if you had to name it? Lazy Girl Chic. I like to be comfy as possible but look cute.
  5. Who inspires you? That’s a hard one I have a lot of different inspirers in my life. But I will say all of them are determined, driven and organized.
  6. Where do you see your blog in 5 years? Hopefully, with a lot of followers and interesting topics! I really would love to put some more singing stuff on here as well.
  7. What is your must have for the upcoming season? I am very excited for fall to come up and a must have would be a warm, snuggly scarf.
  8. What is your favourite past-time? Watching YouTube make up videos.
  9. What beauty products do you use daily? Usually foundation, blush, bronzer, eyebrow powder, mascara and eos.
  10. What beauty products do you refuse to use? I don’t have anything I refuse to use. But I try and steer clear of minimal coverage foundations, crappy mascaras and crappy gel eyeliners.

The following are my nominees, if you have done this before and don’t want to do it again no worries

  1. What is your holy grail make up product?
  2. What is your favorite make up brand?
  3. What is your favorite nail polish color?
  4. What is a make up trend you want to try?
  5. How do you take your make up off at night?
  6. Do you wash your face every night?
  7. How often do you wash your make up brushes?
  8. When is the last time you had a big make up splurge? And what did you buy?
  9. Where is your dream vacation?
  10. What is a make up fail from your past?

Seventy Six: July 19, 2015

I never understood the purpose of a primer. I really thought it was just another ploy to get us make up lovers to spend more money. Some of the beauty gurus online wouldn’t even use it so I thought if they don’t need it I certainly don’t need it. But one day I wondered into CVS and found a drugstore one, it was only $7 so I figured why not. It was Rimmel by the way and I put it on and all of a sudden my skin was smoother, my pores were less prominent and my make up applied so much easier.

So that was about 6 years ago and how I found way my to loving skin primers. I was in Sephora and Make Up Forever released that set of I think 7 primers that all did different things. I have normal to oily skin so sometimes I feel like it can look like all make make-up is sliding off. I tried a little version of the Make Up Forever Step 1 Skin Equalizer Mattifying Primer. I fell in love. The full size is 30 mL and I believe $36 dollars. Here it is on Sephora’s website. Now, I will say if you do not have oily or normal skin this is not the product for you. I have not tried any of the other ones in the Step 1 Skin Equalizer series but they have so many other ones so unless you want something that will make you matte do not get this.

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First, off it smells really good. It sort of just smells fragrant and sweet. You don’t need a lot of this product it spreads really well. Also, I got the smaller one first to try the 12 mL over a month and a half ago and I still have a lot left. I bought a big one yesterday just because I know I like the product so much but it is lasting a while. When you apply it, it almost makes your skin feel tight and creates a layer. It’s hard to explain but you can feel exactly where you have put the primer because that area of your skin is dry and feels almost like those masks that peel off, just not tight and itchy. I then use my L’oreal Lumi overtop. I know it sounds stupid to use a mattifying primer and then a luminous product but honestly, I feel like it makes my skin look like it is glowing. I couldn’t imagine using this primer with a matte foundation. I feel like it would just be too much and your skin would look dry and like it is crying to be moisturized.

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And that is it. Let me know if you guys have tried this primer and like it or any other primers you like. Hope you are all having a wonderful day!

Seventy Five: July 17, 2015

Are bathroom attendants really necessary? Incase you don’t know what that is please feel free to check out Wikipedia’s lovely page on them. I don’t understand why restaurants feel the need to have them. I do not think it makes my experience as a bathroom user anymore pleasant. I feel awkward and I really do not want to tip someone $2 for handing me a paper towel, which I am more than capable of grabbing myself. I just find it really strange. Do you agree or disagree?

On the Wikipedia page it says part of their job is also to clean, which makes sense in larger bathrooms. But this place had one sink and two stalls, not many things to get dirty. It also says for drug use, which in NYC I totally understand. The line for the bathroom for girls is usually a mile along and the last thing we need is someone holding up the line because they are doing drugs in the bathroom. I guess I understand the point of one in a huge bathroom, with a lot of women. But I really think in smaller bathrooms there is not a need for one. Also, if I were a restaurant why would I want to have to pay someone else and lose more money? I really don’t get it. I also, think it’s weird because it is supposed to be high class to have someone else dispense soap into your hands. It’s just very strange to me and I wash my hands by myself multiple times a day so I think I can handle it when I am out.

Sorry for the weird rant, it was just very strange tonight at dinner and I remembered how much I hate it and think it’s awkward. I hope you guys are all having a great summer or winter depending where you are and are staying safe and happy.

Seventy Four: July 14, 2015

I love quotes. I use them all the time as Instagram captions and just as everyday inspiration. I have a whole slew of them on my phone. So I figured I would share some of my favorite ones with you. I also wanted to tell you about this cool app called Daily Wonder. Everyday it tells you a different quote and it is free. It is like a little present everyday. I hope you guys are all doing well and let me know some of your favorite quotes!

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“And finally we learn that is it possible simultaneously to ache and to bloom.”  Bladridge

“It wasn’t a matter if I love you, it was a matter if you fought and stayed.” R.G. Moon

“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” Shakespeare

“Why don’t you tell me ‘if the girl had been worth having, she’d have waited for you’? No, sir, the girl really worth having won’t wait for anybody.” F. Scott Fitzgerald

“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” Sylvia Plath

“There’s only one corner of the universe you can certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” Aldous Huxley

“My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.” Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte

“Promise me you will always remember, you’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” A.A. Milnes

“Vita brevis, ars longa.” which means life is short, art is long.

So there are some of my favorite quotes. Let me know if you like any of them and make sure to check out that app if you love quotes.

Seventy Three: July 13, 2015

Having a blog is hard because sometimes there are a lot of things I want to write and rant about it but I don’t want to offend people. I feel like these days if you say anything you have to be ready for backlash. When I watch youtube videos and these people are sponsored to a show a product people flip out. There are hundreds of comments asking why they are doing this, what is wrong with them, they’re betraying their viewers. I mean c’mon it’s their job. I agree if every video is sponsored it is slightly annoying, but if they barely do them whatever let them live. But people have decided in this world to be offended by everything.

Let’s clarify a bit though looking at two situations. One if a person is talking about someone else using racial slurs or derogatory terms then of course you have every right to be offended. I am going to use an Italian American example in the hopes that no one will be highly offended, people laugh at the way I say ricotta or mozzarella. I do not go sit in my room and talk about how offensive it is. Better yet, I don’t get mad when I have to listen to people butcher the word manicotti. No, why? Because they aren’t being offensive to the actual culture. I know this seems silly because it is something as small as mispronouncing a word, but people lately are offended by everything. All these young girls who want to be feminists, like seriously? I don’t think half of them know what they are fighting for.

I am not saying you shouldn’t stand up for yourself, your beliefs or culture. But next time you become so highly offended think to yourself is that person trying to hurt my culture, gender, race, sexual interests etc. Because if not then you need to pipe down, real fast. Everyone has an opinion these days and especially moreso than ever now because they use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram like a platform for their rights. I think you should be a good and respectful person to everyone you meet. But I don’t feel like you should be offended by people dressing a certain way similar to your culture or a hairstyle or whatever it may be. As I said before it is hard to have this blog and write my opinions on here sometimes because I am afraid someone will be offended by it and there will be a fight. Let me know what you guys think and please remember to like, follow and comment!

Seventy Two: July 8, 2015

Wait, this isn’t ice cream…

If you read my previous blog post then you know I am trying to be healthy. It’s going okay. I have a lot of cravings at night, so it basically ruins all my good efforts throughout the day. I just want to eat ice cream and goldfish all night long. But I digress. I wanted to show you guys a super yummy smoothie that doesn’t have any weird ingredients and obscure ingredients in it, and is great if you are just getting into smoothies. Give it a go. Let me know if you like it, or any other smoothie ideas that you have. Remember to like, follow and comment.

I used 8 ice cubes.

First thing you need is ice. Ice helps to thicken the smoothie. You can also always freeze your fruit ahead of time if you do not have ice cubes. Put this closest to the blade so it can be chopped up.

1/2 cup of almond milk= 30 calories

Then you need a liquid. I used almond milk but you could always use a juice or coconut water. Or if you even wanted some greek yogurt. If you feel the strong desire to use milk then use skim.

1 banana= 80-100 calories
5 strawberries= around 20 calories

Next add your fruit. I used bananas and strawberries. But ultimately this is where you throw in whatever you want.

2 tbsp= 45 calories


Finally, I put in some pb2. It is so yummy it is powdered peanut butter. It is really good for you and this is a chocolate one.  And then we blend.

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And that is it, super easy and yummy. All in all the smoothie is about 180-195 calories depending on the size of your fruit. If you are using this for a meal, you need to eat something else. This is not enough calories for a meal. So I would suggest egg whites, small piece of multigrain toast with a little butter, small bowl of oatmeal. But as a snack this is fine. Hope you guys enjoyed!

Seventy One: July 5, 2015

Another July 4th has come and passed. If you’re anything like me you are exhausted, sunburnt, and three pounds heavier. I am not the biggest fan of the Fourth of July, if we are being honest. My favorite holiday will always be Christmas. But I know many people love it. The fireworks, the cool instagram pictures, eating red, white and blue food. I totally get it. However, I am going away in two weeks to go sit on a beach so now it is detox time. My worst nightmare but this is what I need to do.

So how will I be doing this super fun detox you may ask? I am going to try and have a smooth or egg whites every morning. Cut down to minimal cheese because I love cheese and I am pretty sure I eat it at every meal. Cut down on my ice cream. And work out really hard. I know, it’s all the usual things and I am not reinventing the wheel. But I feel as if I write this all down and tell you guys I am going to do this, I will do it? Maybe. Let’s hope, cross your fingers for me. As always, I say be who you want to be and do what makes you happy in this life. I am all about eating whatever you want in moderation but I also don’t want to be sitting on the beach upset that I look and feel fat. I do not think I am going to magically shrink down to a 0 in two weeks. But I am hoping it will help with the bloated and jiggly feeling.

I have some blog post ideas coming up for you. I was so busy the past three weeks doing an intensive singing program and I will be doing another one in August. It’s great because you just get lessons and coachings and watch masterclasses. But at the end of the day, I was so tired. I think one of my future posts will be on what a day of singing is like. Everyone always says oh isn’t it so fun that you just get to sing all day? That’s when I want to punch them in the face. I will of course keep you guys updated with my detoxing, it will probably last for all two minutes. And I hope you all are not too hungover for work tomorrow and the rest of your week. I hope you had safe and fun holiday weekends if you are an American!